QT Review Quesitons

Review Questions

  1. In talking About Jesus, why is it important to look at the mysteries of the Incarnation and Resurrection?
  2. Why is it important to look into the world that Jesus lived in? How will it add to a more meaningful reading of the Gospels today?
  3. What is the Kingdom of God? How did Jesus proclaim God’s Kingdom?
  4. How should we read the Gospels? How do I know that I am reading the life and words of Jesus correctly?
  5. Why do we need to read the Bible, particularly the Gospels, if we want to know Christ?
  6. How did Jesus go about discerning and responding to his own call–his own vocation? How did each event prior to his public ministry figure in his call?

Note: If you have definite answer to most of the questions above, you’re good. If not, it’s time make friends.

Table Fellowship Article

However, in these eloquent actions, Jesus was making a bold statement. He deliberately chose these controversial dining partners to highlight the universality of His mission and to demonstrate His power to transform sinners and welcome them back into covenant fellowship.

Notice how Jesus responded to the Pharisees’ complaint: “It is not the healthy who need the doctor, but the sick” (Mt. 9:12, New Jerusalem Bible). Just as a doctor must have contact with the sick, so does Jesus draw near to sinners to restore them to spiritual health. In this sense, His practice of eating with sinners and tax collectors signified a greater miracle than His healing of blindness, leprosy, and other illnesses. Without saying a word, Jesus symbolically restored these outcasts to God’s covenant family and announced a surprise cast of members in the kingdom He was building. Once again, His
actions spoke louder than His words.

 (Sri, “Louder than Words: Jesus Puts His Words into Actions”)